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Watashi wa Gotsugou Shugi na Kaiketsu Tantou no Oujo de aru (Official)
The Princess of Convenient Plot Devices / I Am a Princess Responsible for Settling Circumstances / I'm a Princess In-Charge of Solving Things According to Self-Interest / I'm an Opportunistic Princess In-Charge of Solving Things / The Opportunistic Princess Has All the Answers / The Opportunistic Princess in Charge of Problem Solving / Watashi wa Gotsugoushugi na Kaiketsu Tantou no Oujo dearu / 我成为了解决剧情需求的皇女角色 / 私はご都合主義な解決担当の王女である / 나는 편의주의적 해결 담당 왕녀로소이다
Mamecyoro / Kazusa Yoneda