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Kaeribana no Kanojo
帰り花の少女 / Kaeribana no Konojo / Kaeribana no Shoujo / The Return of the Flower Girl
tanaka meca
🇪🇸Chousuinou Kei ~Makafushigi Jiken File~
Choosuino Kei / Chou Suinou Kei / Chousuinou Kei / Chousuinou Kei - Makafushigi Jiken File / Chousuinou Kei: Makafushigi Jiken File / The Mastermind Files
gomi kazuo / mizuno mitsuhiro / tanaka yoshiki (田? Ņ?樹)
🇷🇺7 Jikan-me Rhapsody
7 Jikanme Rhapsody / 7th Lesson Rhapsody / 7th Period Rhapsody / 7時間目ラプソディー / 第七节课的狂想曲 / Light Right Rabbit
tanaka meca
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,School Life
🇫🇷Arslan Senki (ARAKAWA Hiromu)
(Persian)ارسلان،قهرمان افسانه ای / Arslan'ın Kahramanlık Destanı(Turkish) / ผู้กล้าแห่งอัสลัน / 亞爾斯蘭戰記 (荒川弘) / アルスラーン戦記 (荒川弘) / La Légende Héroïque d'Arslân / La leyenda heroica de Arslan (Spanish) / The Heroic Legend of Arslan (ARAKAWA Hiromu) / Сказание об Арислане (Russian) / اسطورة ارسلان
tanaka yoshiki / arakawa hiromu
🇵🇹Chousuinou Kei ~Makafushigi Jiken File~
Choosuino Kei / Chou Suinou Kei / Chousuinou Kei / Chousuinou Kei - Makafushigi Jiken File / Chousuinou Kei: Makafushigi Jiken File / The Mastermind Files
gomi kazuo / mizuno mitsuhiro / tanaka yoshiki (田? Ņ?樹)
🇪🇸Hitomi no Catoblepas
瞳のカトブレパス / Hitomi no Cateblepas
tanaka yasuki
Hitomi no Catoblepas
瞳のカトブレパス / Hitomi no Cateblepas
tanaka yasuki
Country Girl - From "TRianThology - Alice in the Land of the Three-Sided Mirror"
カントリーガアル「トライアンソロジー~三面鏡の国のアリス~」より / Country Girl - "TRianThology - Sanmenkyou no Kuni no Alice" Yori
tanaka romeo / ryukishi07 / tatsuhiko
Comedy,Drama,Psychological,School Life,Slice of Life,Tragedy
Kamakura Deco & Kofu Life
Kamakura Deco & Kofu Life / Kamakura Deco Kofu Life
tanaka satoshi
Shounen(B),Comedy,Slice of Life
Kamakura Dekofuraifu
鎌倉デコフライフ / Kamakura Deco & Kofu Life / Kamakura Deco Kofu Life / 镰仓装饰古风咖啡厅
tanaka satoshi / kamakura dekofuraifu 12
Shoujo(G),Shounen(B),Comedy,Slice of Life
Arslan Senki (ARAKAWA Hiromu)
(Persian)ارسلان،قهرمان افسانه ای / Arslan'ın Kahramanlık Destanı(Turkish) / ผู้กล้าแห่งอัสลัน / 亞爾斯蘭戰記 (荒川弘) / アルスラーン戦記 (荒川弘) / La Légende Héroïque d'Arslân / La leyenda heroica de Arslan (Spanish) / The Heroic Legend of Arslan (ARAKAWA Hiromu) / Сказание об Арислане (Russian) / اسطورة ارسلان
tanaka yoshiki / arakawa hiromu
Inai Boku wa Hotarumachi ni Iru
いないボクは蛍町にいる / I Don't Exist in This Firefly City
tanaka miho
Josei(W),Slice of Life,Supernatural,Tragedy
Faster Than a Kiss
Опережая поцелуй / キスよりも早く / أسرع من قبلة / 新娘16岁 / 親吻前, 結婚後 / คู่วิวาห์มหาป่วน / 키스보다도 빨리 / Kisu yori mo Hayaku / Faster than even a Kiss / Kiss Yori mo Hayaku / Sooner than a Kiss / Tình Yêu Hoa Hướng Dương / Tsuki to Himawari
tanaka meca
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Kimi o Matsu -> Akaiito
キミを待つ→あかいいと / 君想红绳 / 等你→红线 / Kimi o Matsu → Akai Ito / Kimi o Matsu → Akaiito / Kimi o Matsu -> / Akai Ito / Kimi wo Matsu → Akaiito / Kimi wo Matsu -> / A
tanaka shiki
Aitsu no Daihonmei
Любимчик / アイツの大本命 / Aitsuno Daihonmei / Aitsuno Taihonmei / His Favorite / His Most Favorite / You' / re Everyone' / s Friend
tanaka suzuki
Comedy,School Life,Shounen ai,Slice of Life
Kirara Princess
きららプリンセス / きらら☆プリンセス / Disney’s きらら・プリンセス / Kilala Princess
tanaka rika / kodaka nao
Kaze yo, Banri wo Kake yo
風よ、万里を翔けよ―花木蘭物語 / Kazeyo Banri wo Kakeyo / O Wind, Fly O' / er a Thousand Leagues
tanaka yoshiki / akino matsuri
Shoujo(G),Action,Drama,Gender Bender,Historical
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu (FUJISAKI Ryu)
銀河英雄伝説: ヤングジャンプコミックス / Legend of the Galactic Heroes (New adaptation) / LoGH (New adaptation)
tanaka yoshiki (田中芳樹)
7-gatsu no Mahoutsukai
10-gatsu no Oujo to Boku / 7月の魔法使い / 7月的魔法使 / 7月魔法使 / 王子様11月のユウウツ / Forest in the Morning / Gozen no Mori / Magician in July / Ouji-sama 11gatsu no Yuutsu / Ouji-sama Juuichigatsu no Yuutsu / Oujisama 11-gatsu no Yuutsu / Queen and Me in October / Shichigatsu no Mahoutsukai / The Prince Melancholy in November / Wizard in July
tanaka meca
Shoujo(G),Romance,School Life
Itoshi no Kana
愛しのかな / My Lovely Ghost KANA
tanaka yutaka
Seinen(M),Ecchi,Comedy,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life,Supernatural
🇪🇸Arslan Senki (ARAKAWA Hiromu)
(Persian)ارسلان،قهرمان افسانه ای / Arslan'ın Kahramanlık Destanı(Turkish) / ผู้กล้าแห่งอัสลัน / 亞爾斯蘭戰記 (荒川弘) / アルスラーン戦記 (荒川弘) / La Légende Héroïque d'Arslân / La leyenda heroica de Arslan (Spanish) / The Heroic Legend of Arslan (ARAKAWA Hiromu) / Сказание об Арислане (Russian) / اسطورة ارسلان
tanaka yoshiki / arakawa hiromu
Dokuzetsu no S na Ore ga Jimi Riman ni Kuwaresou Desu
Trash-talking, Sadistic Me is Taken by a Dull Salaryman / 毒舌Sな俺が地味リーマンに喰われそうです
ogeretsu tanaka