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Saint Seiya

Saint Seiya

圣斗士星矢 / 聖闘士星矢 / Áo Giáp Vàng / Cavaleiros do Zodíaco (Brazilian Portuguese) / Knights of the Zodiac
kurumada masami / saint seiya 109
Shounen(B),Action,Fantasy,Martial Arts,Supernatural
Hideout (ZIN)

Hideout (ZIN)

Chapter 1
Ping Pong Wang Zi

Ping Pong Wang Zi

乒乓王子 / Ping Pong Prince
ji leniao
Chapter 38
Attack No1

Attack No1

アタックNo.1 / Atakku No.1 / Mila Superstar / Quella Magnifica Dozzina
urano chikako
Shoujo(G),Drama,Romance,School Life,Sports
Chapter 1
Soldier (ZIN)

Soldier (ZIN)

Chapter 1
Haruka na Machi e

🇦🇪Haruka na Machi e

A Distant Neighborhood / 遥かな町へ / 遙遠的小鎮 / Haruka na Machi e / Harukana Machi e / Harukana Machi-E / Odległa dzielnica / Quartier Lointain / Vertraute Fremde
taniguchi jiro
Seinen(M),Drama,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Volume 2 Chapter 16
Red Garden

Red Garden

レッド ガーデン RED GARDEN / 레드 가든 / Kızıl Bahçe
gonzo / ayamura kirihito
Volume 1 Chapter 5
Crimson Hero

🇪🇸Crimson Hero

べにいろヒーロー / Beniiro Hero / Crimson Hero / 紅色HERO / 艷紅色英雄 / 홍색 히어로 / Kızıl Kahraman / Xứng danh anh hùng / البطل القرمزي
takanashi mitsuba
Shoujo(G),Drama,Romance,School Life,Sports
Shin Mazinger Zero

Shin Mazinger Zero

nagai go / tabata yoshiaki / yugo yuuki / shin mazinger zero 43
Shounen(B),Adult,Ecchi,Mature,Action,Comedy,Drama,Mecha,Romance,School Life,Sci-Fi
Chapter 42
Honoo no Nobunaga - Sengoku Gaiden

Honoo no Nobunaga - Sengoku Gaiden

炎の信長 戦国外伝 / Blazing Nobunaga
shimamoto kazuhiko
Chapter 9
Shissou Nikki

Shissou Nikki

失踪日記 / 失踪日記2 アル中病棟 / Disappearance Diary / Dziennik z zaginięcia / Journal d' / une disparition / The Great Escape of the Comic Book Writer
azuma hideo
Comedy,Drama,Slice of Life
Volume 0 Chapter 0
Bara to Zirconia

Bara to Zirconia

Rose and Zirconia
saitou ken
Shoujo(G),Drama,Romance,School Life
Chapter 0
Shoujo Tsubaki

Shoujo Tsubaki

少女椿 / La Jeune fille aux Camelias / Midori - Das Kamelienmädchen / Midori - La Nina De Las Camelias / Mr. Arashi' / s Amazing Freak Show
maruo suehiro
Chapter 2
Shakugan no Shana

Shakugan no Shana

Shana of the Burning Eyes
ito, noizi (art), takahashi, yashichiro (story)
Action,Drama,School Life,Supernatural
Chapter 68


天狗神 / Tengu Deity / Tenguzin
yumeka sumomo
Drama,Fantasy,Historical,Shounen ai,Supernatural
Chapter 3
Demon Sky Chronicles

Demon Sky Chronicles

魔天记 / Motianji / Demon’s Diary / Mo Tian Ji
lèm? n magazine
Action,Adventure,Martial Arts
Chapter 1
The Academy of Ninjas

The Academy of Ninjas

さすがの猿飛 / Amazing Sarutobi / Clever Sarutobi / L'Académie des ninjas / The Academy of Ninjas
hosono fujihiko
Shounen(B),Comedy,Martial Arts,Romance,School Life
Chapter 46
Shin Mazinger Zero

Shin Mazinger Zero

?????????? / Shin Majing? Zero
tabata, yoshiaki (story), yuuki, yugo (art)
Chapter 13
Sasuga no Sarutobi

Sasuga no Sarutobi

Amazing Sarutobi / さすがの猿飛 / Clever Sarutobi / L'Académie des ninjas (French) / The Academy of Ninjas
hosono fujihiko
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,Martial Arts,Romance,School Life
Volume 7 Chapter 46


Chapter 0
Soul Contract

Soul Contract

Ling Qi / Linh Khế / Soul Contract / Spirit Contract / Spirit Pact / Контракт душ / 灵契 / 영혼의 계약자
Ping Zi
🇨🇳Manhua,Shoujo(G),Action,Adaptation,Adventure,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Ghosts,Mystery,Shounen ai,Supernatural
Chapter 139 + 140
Jig + Zag

Jig + Zag

ジグ+ザグ / 青春男子寮 / Jigu+Zagu- / Zig Zag (HOSHINO Wakako)
hoshino wakako
School Life,Shounen ai
Chapter 5
Sphere of Salvation

Sphere of Salvation

S.o.S. / SoS / Sphere of Salvation
hatzopoulos kariofillis christos / voutsidis raphael / edgy zianne
Doujinshi,Seinen(M),Action,Adventure,Martial Arts,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Chapter 2


ぢごぷり / Digo Pri / Digo Puri / Jigo Puri / Jigopuri / Zigo Puri / Zigopuri
kio shimoku
Seinen(M),Drama,Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 1


ザイオン / Zion
kayase shiki
Volume 3 Chapter 15
Jippu Jippu Byuun

Jippu Jippu Byuun

Dramatic Band Story: Zip Zip Whiz / Zip Zip Whiz
kurosaki minori
Chapter 1
Zippy Ziggy

🇮🇹Zippy Ziggy

知彼知己 / 지피지기 / Быстрый Зигги
kim eun-jung / hwang seung-man
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Action,Comedy,Martial Arts,Romance,School Life
Demonizer Zilch

Demonizer Zilch

Kamigoroshihime Zilch
matra milan
Chapter 1
Kimi ga Koi ni Ochiru

Kimi ga Koi ni Ochiru

きみが恋に堕ちる / Gezielte Verführung (German) / You Will Fall in Love
takanaga hinako
🇯🇵Yaoi(BL),Adult,Drama,Romance,School Life,Sports
Volume 1 Chapter 6
Free! dj - Splash Honey!

Free! dj - Splash Honey!

nanjou tsugumi / usakazi
Chapter 1
Kono Mahou ga Sugoi!

Kono Mahou ga Sugoi!

この魔法がすごい! / this magic is amazing
saiga hyouko
Fantasy,Shounen ai,Supernatural
Chapter 0
King of Fighters

King of Fighters

KoF Kyo / The King of Fighters: Kyo / KoF 2000 / The King of Fighters 2000 / KoF 2001 / The King of Fighters 2001 / King of Fighters Z / KoF Zillion / The King of Fighters Zillion / Capcom vs Snk / King of Fighters vs Street fighter Millennium Fight 2000 / Kof rx / King of
natsumoto masato / wing yan and king tung / andy seto kim kiu / ricky / king of fighters 12
Doujinshi,Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Drama,Fantasy,Martial Arts,Supernatural
Volume 7 Chapter 11
Because you are...

🇪🇸Because you are...

Çünkü sen... / Bởi vì em...
Chapter 0


フリージング / 結界女王 / 零度战姬 / 零度戰姬 / 프리징
lim dall-young / kim kwang hyun
Seinen(M),Ecchi,Mature,Action,Drama,Romance,School Life,Sci-Fi,Supernatural,Tragedy
Koutetsu Jeeg

Koutetsu Jeeg

鋼鉄ジーグ / Jeeg / Kotetsu Jeeg / Kotetsu Zieg / Koutetsu Jiigu / Steel Jeeg
nagai go / yasuda tatsuya
Chapter 10
Zig Zag Don

Zig Zag Don

Zig zag don
ishida, takumi (story & art)
Shoujo(G),Drama,Romance,School Life
Chapter 29